Your Local is a place to post deals offered to your residents by local businesses.
Local Deals
Navigate to Your Local.
Click Concierge then Your Local.
Create Your Local Deals
Click New Deal.
Enter a deal Name and Description.
Set the deal expiration date by clicking the Calendar icon. Set the business address in the Addressed field. Click Select Community to open dropdown menu and select the desired community. Finally, click Upload Images to Attach to add any images to the deal such as a copy of coupon.
Click Save.
The Deal will now be listed.
Edit a Local Deal
Click Options under the desired deal. Click Edit from the dropdown menu. This will open the Edit Your Local page where you can make any required changes. Click Save to save the changes.
Delete Local Deal
Click Options under the desired deal. Click Delete.
Click Confirm to delete the deal.
The Deal will be deleted. This cannot be undone.
View Expired Deals
Once the Deal's expiration date passes the deal will be moved from the Current tab to the Past tab. Click on the Past tab to view them.