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Updated over 10 months ago

Venues are locations that can be reserved by your community members. You will need to setup each venue for your community.


Navigate to Venues.

Click Reservations then Venues.

Create a new Venue

Click New Venue.

Enter the Description information

  • Enter a Venue Name

  • Enter a Venue Description

  • Select the Community

  • Select the Target Audience

  • Click Upload an Image to upload the main image of the venue.

  • Click Upload Gallery Images here to add additional images.

Time Settings

Click the arrow in line with Time Settings to open the options.

Open Time - Close Time - If the venue has the same open and close times every day you will set them here by clicking the small clock icons.

Specific Open/Close times? - Click the toggle icon if the Venue has Open/Close Times that vary from day to day. If toggled on, a list of days will open below where you can set the open close times for each day individually.

Specific reservation blocks? - Click the toggle icon if the venue is only available in specific blocks of time. This may be used for a venue such as a screening room that is only available from 5pm to 8pm or 8pm to 11pm each night. This setting may be used in conjunction with the specific open/close times. To set the time blocks click the clock icon for the block start and block end. If the venue has more than one block, click the Add reservation block icon to add additional blocks.

Limit duration of reservation? - Click the toggle if the venue requires a minimum or maximum reservation length. Enter the minimum and maximum durations in either minute for hours.

Limit on notice given for reservation? - Click the toggle if the venue requires a minimum or maximum notice length. Enter the minimum and maximum notice required in; minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months. You can use this setting to prevent a resident from booking a venue for desired date such as holiday nine months out. It can also be used to require a minimum of one day notice for booking a venue. This will be helpful if the venue requires any preparation.

Limit reservations per user/per calendar period? - Click the toggle if you wish to restrict the number of times a resident can book the venue. In the example below the resident is restricted to a single pickleball court booking per day. For an in-demand venue like a screening room, you may choose to limit to one booking per month.

Authorization Settings

Click the arrow in line with Authorization Settings to open the options.

Are reservations disabled? - You are able to temporarily disable venue reservations. This is often used if you need to close a venue for Maintenace. You are able to include a reason for the closure to keep the residents informed.

This setting can also be used if your venue does not require reservations, but you would still like it listed with the other venues. If a venue like a pickleball court does not require reservations, you can disable the reservations and add a message indicating the courts are available on a first come first served basis. You can also set an end date of the closure if applicable.

Has terms of use? - Click the toggle if the venue has set terms and conditions the resident must agree to in order to make the reservation. You can add the terms as text and/or as a file. To upload a file click Upload Terms and Conditions here. The file name will be listed below when it has been added.

Display on App? - This option will be enabled by default. If you do not wish to have the venue listed on the mobile app you may click the toggle icon. This may be used if you wish to setup a venue in the system before it is actually available to residents.

Approval is required? - Click the toggle if manager approval is required for Venue reservations. If enabled, you can set multiple admins to receive reservation notification emails. The reservation will be recorded as pending until a manager approves. Click this link to learn more about approving reservations.

Payments settings - This option is currently unavailable

Save the Venue

Click Save Venue to create the venue in the system.

The new Venue will now be listed on the Venues page.

Show reservations for a single venue

To show all reservations for a specific venue, click the ellipsis icon for the Venue from the Venues page to open the options menu. Click Reservations to open the list of reservations.

This will open the reservations page with the Community and Venue filter populated, showing the venue's reservations.

Create a reservation for a resident from the Venues page.

Click the + Reservation icon under the desired venue. This will open a new reservation for this venue.

Enter the required information including the resident for whom you are making the reservation and click Reserve.

You will be brought back to the Reservations page. The new reservation will be listed. Be sure to set the community filter.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I be notified of new reservations?

When creating a new venue, under the Authorizations section turn on Approval is required. The listed approvers will receive an email every time the venue is booked.

What if the venue doesn't require reservations?

If a venue like a pickleball court does not require reservations, but you would still like it listed with the other venues, you can disable the reservations.

In the Authorization settings for the venue, click the Are reservations disabled? toggle icon. Add a message that will appear with the venue image indicating the courts are available on a first come first served basis. You can also set an end date of the closure if applicable.

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